Visual Relaxation

Visual Relaxation

Visualisation relaxation is another way to help patients feel calm and relaxed.

There are multiple solutions below on how to improve a patients outlook on treatment.

How it Works

This technique is used to distract the brain from current worries, stresses or pain. … If you are focused on the projected images, you cannot dedicate as much attention to those worries and stresses.

Visual Relaxation Solutions

Projection Mapping

We can map images onto any surface such as MRI machines or even the outside of buildings.
When using an MRI patients are able to choose a theme from a library of motions that project on the scanner as a pleasant distraction before and during the procedure. Animations include nature images, scenic images; calming animations (virtual fish tank etc.)


Seclusion Room

Our media wall is used within a range of Mental Health facilities, from open ward environments to secure forensic settings.

The media wall is an impact resistant media screen that provides options for people that reside in a space with a requirement for high safety levels.

The application can be monitored by staff from a controlling PC , laptop or tablet which enables a personalised care package for each individual with additional applications being released to / withdrawn from the user as appropriate.


Wall Based Projection

Images are projected on to the walls, these can be on a single wall or multiwall to give an immersive feel, a range of both interactive and non-interactive software is provided. If interaction is required this can be added by using a camera based system.



    Find Us

    Amazing Interactives, 61C Lord Avenue

    Teesside Industrial Estate, Stockton on Tees

    TS17 9JX, United Kingdom

    Case Studies

    Case Study

    Meet the Chile Life/ Music Therapy team at Chris Evert Childrens Hospital

    Case Study

    Meet the Chile Life/ Music Therapy team at Chris Evert Childrens Hospital

    Case Study

    Meet the Chile Life/ Music Therapy team at Chris Evert Childrens Hospital

    Case Study

    Meet the Chile Life/ Music Therapy team at Chris Evert Childrens Hospital

    What people say about Visual Relaxation

    Quotes from parents and children, QE Gateshead, NHS

    I would recommend the 3D TV as it distracted my son whilst having his bloods taken (July 2015) - parent of 4yr old child

    Quotes from Children & Parents on Pain Distraction System Manchester Children’s Hospital

    I enjoyed making bubbles by blowing they came right out and I made lots of them - age 7

    The genie in Aladdin was funny - age 6

    The fish tank was nice and made feel very relaxed - age 10

    My mummy and I watched both Capt. Jack and the fish one, and we thought they were really great - age 12

    I watched Cecil the sea horse he was really good - age 10

    Quotes from Children & Parents on Pain Distraction System Manchester Children’s Hospital

    Made me feel very relaxed - age 6

    It was like magic - age 13

    I felt as if I could touch the bubbles that were coming towards me, I really liked the elephant and giraffe - age 9

    My favourite was Capt. jack…especially when I got swallowed up by the whale and I liked the dancing star -  age 11

    Quotes from Children & Parents on Pain Distraction System Manchester Children’s Hospital

    The experience was “brill”…our child was so distracted from what was being carried out on her. - Parents of child aged 10

    It was really good, the 3D effects are amazing - age 14

    I loved the interactive games I played for ages - age 11

    I loved watching Cinderella and the frog made me laugh - age 8

    Quotes from Children & Parents on Pain Distraction System Manchester Children’s Hospital

    The 3D software took my mind off my operation ….Thanks - age 10

    Was really great, and helped take my brothers mind off his treatment, want one for home loved it - age16, brother age 9

    It was lovely and good fun, my daughter really enjoyed the 3D effects and was trying to grab the items as they came towards her - mother of child age 6

    Spectacular! The bubbles looked like they were floating towards you - age 11

    The following is just one of the children who made all the staff that day have a really good feeling.

    I had a wonderful session with a child who needed Bloods taken who had severe learning difficulties, he had his cream on without any problem, but during the waiting time he became quite anxious, so as soon as the treatment room was free and about quarter of an hour before his time I put the " 3 D V-Pod " on with the colourful fish so he could see movement, but not sure how he would react.

    " What an amazing result, he stood in front of the screen, with his arms out trying to catch the fish, saying over & over " fish - fish." He even looked at the back of the 3 D V-Pod to see if they were there (Mum said he has a fish tank in his room at home) He was so relaxed he had his bloods taken and Parents were delighted that there wasn't any problems like last time.
    All the staff said it was so fantastic to see it had made such a difference to the session.
    All out audit sessions with this amazing screen have been very positive for children, parents, nurses, support workers, doctors and of course I.

    Ruth Wiley: Rheumatology Specialist Nurse, Royal Victoria Hospital Newcastle

    We used less gas and air than expected during a painful treatment - I was very impressed.

    Angela Nicoll Senior Play Specialist Stockport Children’s Hospital

    We have used it for everything from cannulation, wound drain removal, dressing changes, general distraction for anxious kids seems to work really well all round. It has exceptional results when used in conjunction with Entonox for bigger more painful procedures.

    Lorraine Little – Great Ormond Street (clinical researcher for the Pain Distraction system at GOSH) London

    It's lovely seeing the children's reactions during the trial!

    Caitlin Harrison, Child Life Specialist, Chris Evert Children’s Hospital – Fort Lauderdale

    The 3D V-pod Distraction tool is a sensory experiance which allows our pediatric patients to mentally escape during a stressful procedure. It provides many avenues of therapeutic components to encourage coping techniques for the patient, and it reduces the intensity of the overall medical experience.

    Graeme Gordon Brighton NHS

    “They are nothing but amazing! Just used it a minute ago on a needle-phobic child – he had no anxiety doing his cannula where normally he gets really worked up, but this time very relaxed! It’s great to have them as we opened our new emergency department. They are getting well used already!”

    Maria Ross-Russell, Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS

    “Both as Head of Dental Services and a dentist that is lucky enough to work in the surgery with the 3-D distraction system.  All the dentists working in the surgery have found it helpful when treating children and additionally, several adults with learning disabilities also enjoy the system.  We use a variety of the programs depending on the patient and some repeat visitors like to see something different each time!”

    Lorna Galbraith – Play Specialist Royal Hospital for Sick Children – Edinburgh

    “I have used the new system with a variety of children ages two years up to eleven years. The children have benefited from this new type of distraction with one girl asking to use it on another occasion. It as brought a new and exciting form of distraction for the children. ”

    Rita Cammidge, Hospital Play Specialist. With over 18 years experience in Hospital Play at Mid Yorkshire Trust Hospital.

    “I have carried out many types of distraction in our treatment room in Children's Assessment
    Unit, the Ward and in anaesthetic rooms over the last 18 years, with many different age groups of children. I have witnessed different results during these sessions with various different distraction techniques all of which I can say have been remarkable experience for each of them. I have now done sessions in the Assessment Unit to see how children would cope with watching a 3 D V-Pod System with a difference. It has been remarkable.”

    Emma Lear Senior Play Specialist Portland Street Hospital London

    “Wow, the last week has been amazingly positive using the 3D unit and the feedback could not have been better! Used for cannulas, great for assessments for memory, educational learning of colours & counting, motivates children to reach their goals. Speech & Language Therapy - captivating, motivation and suitable for all cultures and languages, learning oral motion skills, hand eye coordination. Has relaxing and calming effects, great for distraction whilst focusing on positioning, head & trunk control. Visual Stimulation in particular depth perception, good for interactive rapport builders...”

    Copyright Amazing Interactives 2025
    Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 05264829
    Registered Address: Amazing Interactives Ltd, 61c Lord Avenue, Teesside Industrial Estate, Thornaby. TS17 9JX

    Phone 0044 (0)1642 226690